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Will Berserk Still Get an Ending?
By Yung Namahage • 3 years ago
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It's barely been a week since news broke of Kentaro Miura's death earlier this month. Already there are Berserk fans wondering what this means for the unfinished manga, seeing as there are tons of unresolved arcs and unexplored corners of the world Miura worked on for decades.

It would be easy to abandon all hope on seeing Guts finally catch up to Griffith & the God Hand, but there are rumours spreading around the internet saying that Berserk will continue thanks to Miura's assistants.

Hideki Sugimoto, an assistant on Berserk, posted a tweet that translates to "Yes, I'll do my best." While no context was provided and Sugimoto hasn't tweeted since at the time of writing, many are assuming that this could mean  Sugimoto will carry on his teacher's legacy and give it the conclusion it deserves.

Another source of the rumors comes from the manga Duranki. Miura founded Studio Gaga years ago to assist him with Berserk, where he remained the primary illustrator and author like he'd been doing for decades. Duranki started in 2019 as an opportunity to give his assistants more creative freedom. Miura stayed on as the director and storyboard artist while is assistants were responsible for the majority of the illustrations and backgrounds. As you can see, the art of Duranki isn't far from Berserk.

Because of this, it's expected that Miura's former assistants at Studio Gaga will carry the torch, but it's important to clarify that this is all just speculation and nothing has been confirmed just yet. It's still a sensitive time for a lot of people still dealing with his passing, and it's unknown just when, or even if, publisher Hakusensha will announce Berserk will continue.

With that in mind, would it still be Berserk if Miura is no longer involved? No doubt he trusted his assistants and they've learned enough from him to match his art on a technical level, but Berserk was always the product of a singular, unique vision. Studio Gaga could still do an excellent job of finishing the series while staying 100% true to any notes he may have left, but we'd have to accept that it would never be the same as what Miura would do if he were still with us.

What do you guys think? Should Miura's assistants finish off Berserk on his behalf? Or is it better left untouched? Let us know what you think below!

katkenny32 3 years ago
I would hope he left a guide to the end after 30 years. Even George RR Martin left note on how to end GOT. Even if it is never turned into a manga, a novelization would be nice. As long as Miura's estate is fine with it there is hope. Though there will always be speculation.
bazpanda 3 years ago
if it does or not, it does not matter, Guts left a legacy, and that was, to never give up, to keep struggling, to struggle, to endure, and to content, even when the odds are againts us.
VeryObservant 3 years ago (edited 3 years ago)
The answer to this post's title is "no". The Japanese treat an artist's work as an embodiment of their unique vision, and do not hold great esteem for efforts to complete a late author's work. It occasionally happens, but isn't nearly as well-regarded as it is here in America. Luckily, the Berserk fandom was well-prepared for this day. We understand that it's over. It hurts, but I've already gone through the grief o
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Even though the assistants would like to finish the manga, it's not their call. Its up to the higher ups and especially family members to make the decision to continue the series or not. The fact remains even if Mirua did indeed left some notes on how it ends, the odds are greatly against on continuing the series. The only thing to do is wait and find out.
exodusee7 3 years ago
Yes, I believe it is perfectly fine for Miura's trusted associates to finish their leader's work as a sign of respect.
Anon - ano 3 years ago
If I had to give a gut reaction, no. At best they may finish the chapter he was working on and leave it on a cliff hanger. If Highschool of the Dead is any indication, then it will not continue and get an ending.