People are getting weirder and weirder. Maybe gatekeeping wasn’t so bad, cause now, with how many people are “into” anime, you get dumbass fuck takes, in my opinion, like this.
Now, I’ll be honest with everyone, I HATE TOILET JOKES!!! I know poop and toilet jokes were in Gintama, and I think that show usually has good comedy, but always thought to myself, “this shit feels like an american cartoon.” And that’s just it, American cartoons use this kind of humor all the time.
They even had the shit army.
Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon have been doing this shit for years, hell, they’ve even done this in IRL Nickelodeon shows. So what’s the big deal now? Why are people acting like this shit (hehehehe, see what I did there) is anything gross or crazy. “Oh, it’s a little girl and they’re fetisizing it.” Bitch, you’re the only one thinking that deep about it. It’s just a goofy fucking scene and nothing more.
Some people are now saying that Spy x Family is getting bad,, which, I’m happy people are finally seeing the truth. Spy x Family has always been mid, it’s just got too hyped up for what it’s actually about. Better late than never, but this one scene isn’t why the show is mid. I actually can say that if everything else in the show was good, I might have actually enjoyed this scene. But when you make a mid scene, in an already mid show, you’re just plopping mid on top of more mid. So people who were watching this show until the poop joke, just got…SHITTY taste, and had a bad opinion from the start.
What do you think about this scene? Do you think this scene is for people with a fetish? Do you like Spy x Family? Tell us in the comments.